Rites of Spirit Massage & Integrative Wellness approaches well-being from a seasonal perspective educating and training the body-mind-spirit in the knowledge that a true harmony can be reinvoked through choosing to consciously align our healing and wellness practice regimes with the seasons and rhythms of nature.
Instruction and guidance is offered working with a seasonal based diet, introducing lifestyle practices that nourish an optimal mind-body-spirit within its cycles, one season at a time. Offering seasonal nutrition wellness packages with an option to include massage therapy, reflexology as well as an option to book massage therapy or reflexology independently of programs.
Allowing back the severed dis-connect of mind-body-spirit in the honoring of the impact of our modern times, identifying our ebbs and flows as sacred messages to our deeper healing of mind-body-spirit achieved through rekindling relationships with our true nature and rhythm with a seasonal diet and seasonal attunement exercises that harmonize our internal rhythms with those of nature.
Lisa divides her time between her two residences on Cortes Island and Vancouver BC, with trips to Squamish and Whistler often throughout the year she offers her practice to a wide range of clientele in the coastal BC region. In the summer months, June-September she is mostly resided on Cortes Island and from October-April you will find her in the Vancouver, Squamish, and Whistler area. An online booking system will direct you to Lisa’s calendar which will display her month to month schedule and clinic location addresses.